A bit About Us
Greetings, and thanks for stopping by Four Seasons North! We are a family business located in Alberta Canada where we specialize in providing our customers with quality leather products, Wild Spruce Gum, handcrafted teas and herbs, Alpaca clothing, and heirloom seeds.
Besides our lives as entrepreneurs, we also maintain a YouTube channel where you can find many detailed videos of our life and tutorials on cheesemaking, food preservation, gardening, traditional living, and family adventures that are sure to brighten your day! We are also classically trained musicians and love to share our musical gifts on our second channel Biegel Family Music.
Many people ask what religion we are. Put simply, we are born again believers in Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah in Hebrew). He is our example and we do our best to walk as He walked. It is only by His grace that we are who we are and we give Him all the glory and all the praise!
Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Be sure to check out our YouTube channels and also follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Business Inquiries: (1)780-500-6676
Bob's Cell: (1)780-402-5837
Home Land Line (no text): (1)780-539-3838
Email: contact@fourseasonsnorth.com
Biegel Family P.O. Box 383
Grovedale Alberta, T0H 1X0 Canada

Bob & Linette



